It is important to write on a regular basis when you are learning English. It’s easy to overlook English writing since most students are preoccupied with vocabulary and grammar. Also would need to learn nouns that start with the letter Z.
However, guess what? Writing can aid in the acquisition of English vocabulary, grammar, spelling, and other skills.
So, to help you get started writing, here are 12 helpful hints for beginners studying English. Because reading and writing are so strongly linked, several of these suggestions will also encourage you to read.
Practice everyday
Every day, you should endeavour to write in English. Repetition, or performing the same thing over and over again, is an important part of learning to write. Writing in English will be challenging at first, but with practise and practise, it will get easier.
Use a method to track your progress to ensure you never miss a day. This might be done by writing it down in your calendar or using a website or app.
You may also keep writing by using tactics such as watching videos. You may, for example, view videos from well-known English YouTube channels.
Time and Place matters
Everyone has a preferred writing time. Perhaps your thoughts are clearest first thing in the morning. Maybe you’re a night owl, a term for someone who enjoys staying up late and is most creative around 12 a.m. To find out what time of day works best for you, try writing at several times of the day.
You’ll want to know where to write once you know when to write. Perhaps you have difficulty writing in noisy environments. In such scenario, consider writing in a peaceful location such as a library. Perhaps you prefer a bustling coffee shop because you require some background noise. Try several things to determine what works best for you.
If you’re looking for some background noise, you may utilise websites like Rainy Mood and Calm for calming background noise if you need it for writing.
Find a particular place
Get yourself a notepad to store all of your notes in. You’ll be able to look back on your writing and see how far you’ve come by putting everything in one spot. You’ll be able to check through all of your writing at once to discover whether you’re making the same errors.
If you prefer to type on a computer, Evernote is a good option for keeping your writing organised. Evernote is a website (as well as a smartphone app) that aids with life organisation. Evernote can store all of your writing. You may also use the website’s calendar to keep track of your writing schedule.
A blog is another wonderful location to maintain your writing. You can simply create a blog on these famous websites for example Blogger or WordPress, and you can choose to make it private so that only you can see it or public so that everyone can view it others can read and comment.
Pick and choose a topic then write
As you are ready to get started, pick a topic and begin writing about it. It doesn’t matter if you write facts about swimming or a tale about a time when you went swimming if your theme is swimming. Simply begin writing anything! Allow your thoughts to roam on the subject. Set a 5-minute timer and write for the duration. Once you have gotten the hang of it, try writing for 10 minutes at a time.
This writing practise isn’t about crafting a great tale. The goal is to get your mind working in English and see how much you can say on your chosen topic. Start free writing if you can’t think of a theme.
When you do free writing, you put your pen to the paper and write whatever comes to mind. It makes no difference whether the thoughts are connected or not.
Keep with yourself a dictionary
Look up new words in your dictionary whenever you hear or see them. Say the word out loud a few times before writing it down. Say it out loud until it sounds familiar. Try to compose at least one phrase with each new term the next time you write. Highlight terms in the dictionary that you really like or that appear to be essential.
If you don’t want to carry about a physical dictionary, you may utilise online dictionaries such as Merriam Webster. You may also use one of these smartphone dictionary applications.